The online course that will help you translate your magic spark + Unique gifts into A Magnetic personal brand Aligned with your lifestyle, big picture vision and your heck-yes people.

Self-Paced Online Course With Access To One-To-One Support

This course will help you dig deep into the roots of your brand: who you are, why you're here and what legacy you're meant to build. So you can overhaul and craft a brand that reflects who you truly are now as well as who you are becoming. Helping you walk into a new season in your business with not just renewed confidence and clarity in your brand, but the strategy and visuals to support you as you fully embody your true potential.

Step into your new brand era.

You've grown So much, Your brand no longer Reflects the person, The creative, The entrepreneur You Are Now.

You are not for everyone. Do not dilute your magic by trying to be. It doesn’t matter what other people in your industry are up to. They get to do them and you get to do you. You don’t share the same ideal audience & customers - you’re the right choice for your people, as much as they are for theirs. It’s time to put your blinders on and focus on your vision, your zone of genius and what lights you up. The right people will come to you not because you’re better than everyone else, but because you’re the best at what only you can offer - being fully, unapologetically you. This course will help you embrace and fully hone in on that through every aspect of your brand.

stop competing and comparing. Become a niche of one.

Here for the wild ones - the misfits, the rebels, the visionaries

This is the course for trail-blazers like you who have tried to follow all the business, branding and marketing rules that just left you perpetually edging on burnout, feeling like you’re never good enough or far ahead enough as you are. You’re done just trying to do as you’re told. You don’t want to keep burning out so you can keep building a “successful” business according to someone else's rules. Just to end up hating that version of “success” or never even getting there, because the path isn’t designed for people like you. You have a passion, a vision, a mission of your own and are not afraid to get your boots dirty so you can take your chosen and more scenic route to your dream destination.

Ditch the rules.
Blaze your own trail.

Time to get off the highway to burnout

Define your own version of success in business, one that doesn’t require you to change who you are or wait until an elusive milestone to finally truly enjoy what you’re building.

You Are Ready To...


Ditch the ill-fitted, icky industry practices and trends, so you can build your brand based on your own individual values, style, talents, perspective and personality.



Align the your visual branding to your genuine style and personality, so you can stop wasting time endlessly tweaking & investing in templates and assets your never use in the end, because none of it ever actually feels like you.


Stop feeling like you need to hustle harder, putt off actually enjoying your life and accept burnout as a given in business, hoping that if you add one more deliverable to your offer, people would finally see the value you bring to the table.

Get clear on your big picture vision, your why, mission, values and USP. So you can build your business in full alignment with your values, personality and purpose.


Own what makes you unique, so you can stand-out in a saturated market, making your competition irrelevant to your right people, because they come to specifically to you for your unique energy and approach.



Gain practical strategies and tools for building a strong personal brand that go beyond "just being yoursef" or "authentic" and othe platitudes. So you know exactly how to create a brand that oozes personality and confidence in who you are from the inside out.


Build your brand around YOU, your life and vision, so you can pursue what you love, change your mind, your audience, pivot and evolve without wasting any of that hard work you’ve put into growing your reputation and your community.

Step forward with a brand that exudes confidence in who you are, and what you have to offer this world. 

Your Brand Is Waiting For You To Stop Hiding In The Shadows

I've been there - cringing at my own brand, hiding away, not fully sharing who I am and what I have to offer for fear of what people will think. I didn't feel able to express my full potential and all that I already have to offer. So I'd just keep hiding. And nothing would change. Until I decided that it was time to stop hiding my magic. To claim my own brilliance and all that I had to offer. To get inspired and excited by my own brand. I knew I wanted to create a brand that serve as a beacon of light for my dream clients to find me, and get excited to work with me, too. 

If you feel deflated about your brand right now - that's OK. But you get to have more than that. You get to feel elated, excited and expanded by your own brand. And the possibilities it can open up for you, now and long into the future. You get to have a brand that shines boldly and confidently, making it easier for your people to find you, fall in love with you, and benefit from your one-of-a-kind brilliance.

all of you is welcome here.

I've been shrinking away from embracing my own potential for years. Afraid people would judge me for being too bold. I struggled and hustled my mind and body to burn-out trying to prove my worth. But my business stayed stuck as I stayed stuck. I didn't feel like I was enough to deserve more. Until I decided it was time to stop shrinking and allow myself to fully own who I am and what I'm capable of Slowly, I stopped trying to follow who I thought I should be in order to deserve more. I began to own what I bring to the table, and bring that into my brand. Did it lead to overnight success? No, there's no magic fix for that. But it did change how I feel about myself and my own value. Which in turn has shifted the way that people respond to my brand and see my value, too. And that has allowed me to step into more impact in my work in ways that I never thought would be possible for me. Turns out, it's not that I needed to hustle harder and become someone I wasn't yet. I just needed to own who I already am.

I've been embracing the weird, wonderful and scary parts of building and evolving my own personal brand as a creative business owner for almost a decade now. It never stops being nerve-wracking. Yet also insanely liberating and exhilarating to explore different parts of yourself and let yourself be seen in new ways through your brand. Your brand is never meant to box you in. We talk a lot about the power of knowing your niche in business. And often that leaves us feeling like we're not allowed to change, explore new things or revisit old ones so we don't confuse and lose the communities, the trust we've built around a certain “expertise” or “specialism.” But your brand shouldn't & doesn't actually require you to be a one-trick pony your whole life. Instead, your brand is there to help you become known for what only you can be THE go-to expert at - being fully, unapologetically, uniquely YOU.

meet your guide

burnout taught me that my value was deeper than how hard I work

This Is Your Call To Reclaim Your Personality, Your Vision And Re-Ignite The Passion That Got You Into This Business In The First Place.

How does that work? First you’ll get clear on your North Star - your big vision. Because that’s when you’ll know what you do next is adding up towards something truly worthwhile. Then build the strategic foundations for your brand, which will empower you with the clarity and strategies needed to craft your aligned visual identity, and a website that speaks to your dream clients. So you can embody your brand, amplify your visibility and build an aligned community by leaning into your natural energy and talents. Finally, we’ll wrap it up with how and when to refine and rebrand as you grow. So that as you, your vision, needs and life changes - your brand can grow with you through each new season.

This course will not funnel you into a pre-determined path or have you follow in my footsteps. But provide you with the tools and frameworks, empowering you to blaze your own trail and create a brand that truly reflects who you are. Not one that’s second-hand version of someone else.

This is a self-paced journey through the wilderness of brand building, where every step you take is guided by your own unique vision. I’m not your guru, I’m your guide. So in this course, you’ll find a map, instructions on how to find the sign-posts and my recommendations on what you may want to pack for your adventure. And support along the way. But YOU get to decide which exact route you take and what works best for your brand.

This is not your typical A to Z roadmap to a copy-cat brand that is "guaranteed to Sell" (ick...). It's a personal brand self-discovery and self-expression journey towards more fulfilment, freedom, Impact and joy in your business.

Six Course Modules Guiding You Through a brand building framework - The Brand Journey

The Journey

In this foundational module, we'll dive into what it means to have an aligned brand and why it's crucial for your business longevity. We'll explore the key pillars of brand building and address common challenges, equipping you with the tools to overcome them and move forward with confidence.

Module 2: brand Vision

Buckle up, Here's the breakdown

Get ready to envision your future with clarity and purpose. Through journaling and vision exercises, you'll define your brand's overarching vision and set the stage for the rest of your journey.

This Module Covers:

Module 1: Introduction

Module 3: brand Strategy

Discover the core elements of your brand, from your personal story and values to your unique selling proposition and target audience. By establishing a solid foundation, you'll outline a creative direction for a unique visual brand identity that actually feels like you.

  • Creating a thriving brand ecosystem
  • Core pillars of an aligned & magnetic brand
  • Common visibility challenges & how to turn them into opportunities for connection

This Module Covers:

  • Getting clarity on your big picture vision
  • Crafting a vision board to guide your direction
  • Reviewing your brand inside & out
  • Brand calibration: brand vision + review workbook

This Module Covers:

  • Unearthing what makes you unique
  • Getting clear on who your heck-yes people are
  • Establishing strategic brand foundations
  • Crystallising your brand aesthetic
  • Brand strategy workbook
  • Creative direction template

First Sight Review + Road Map

Loom review of your online brand presence and a personalised plan of action.

(Complete Onboarding Q&A)

Deep Dive - 90min 1:1 Call

A sounding-board and feedback session to review and fine-tune your brand vision and strategy.

(Unlock After Completing Brand Vision Exercise & Strategy Q&As)

Next, you’ll bring your vision to life. From messaging, to design, planning & executing a brand photoshoot and infusing your unique magic into a stand-out website, you'll learn how to create a cohesive brand that feels like you, captivates your people and leaves a lasting impression throughout all touch-points of your brand.

Module 5: Brand Embodiment

With your brand strategy in place and aligned assets in hand, you'll develop a marketing plan that helps you step forward as a confident leader of your brand, so you can increase your visibility and and build meaningful, lasting relationships with your community.

Module 4: Brand Creation

Module 6: Brand Refinement

As you evolve, so should your brand. Learn when and how to pivot, refine or rebrand with intention, ensuring that your brand remains aligned with your evolving vision and life.

This Module Covers:

  • Connect with and own your voice.
  • Infuse your personal style into your brand visuals
  • Envision, plan and execute a brand photoshoot that feels like you
  • Create on-brand visuals and content that make you excited to show up online
  • Craft a personality-filled website that encourages deeper connection with your people
  • Visual brand assets template
  • Brand words hub
  • Website framework & copy planner
  • Brand photoshoot planner + posing guide

This Module Covers:

  • Reframing what social media visibility and leadership looks like.
  • Growing an aligned community and building lasting relationships online
  • Craft an aligned visibility strategy
  • Creating content and showing up in alignment with your unique magic
  • Visibility hub
  • Content Shoot Planner

This Module Covers:

  • Signs of brand alignment vs misalignment
  • Rebrand vs refresh: growing intentionally
  • Brand evolution challenges & opportunities
  • Establish a regular brand check-in & re-alignment practice
  • Brand re-alignment hub
  • Quarterly planner

The Vista - 45min 1:1 Call

Celebrate the completion of your journey, final feedback & setting intentions for your next era,

(Unlock By Completing All Modules)

Series of Check-Points

Guidance and feedback on specific aspects of your brand journey via voice notes, text and screen recorded reviews as needed.

(Unlock as you go )

So you can show up confident in who you are, what you have to offer and foster genuine relationships with your people.

So you can finally feel like your brand genuinely reflects who you are from the inside out. Even as you change and grow.

So you can make decisions intentionally & strategically as you take charge of your brand’s growth and reputation.

The Aligned Brand Course Will help you:

Connect with your Unique Story and perspective

Take the lead as your own brand strategist

Infuse your Brand With Your Style & personality

So you can stop looking around, focus on your own lane and build the brand that fits your personality, lifestyle and goals.

So you can change, pivot and grow your brand alongside you with each season, as you, your life and vision changes.

So you can show up for your brand and community in a way that honours your unique skills, gifts, lifestyle and energy.

Define your Big Picture brand vision

increase your visibility on your own terms

refine and evolve your brand intentionally

pay in Full £1800

12 Payments of £150

+ 6 modules including a total of 40+ video trainings

+ Notion Dashboard With Workbooks & Resources

+ Lifetime Access To All Course Materials

Guiding you through a brand-building framework with the knowledge, perspective and practices you need to build and embody an aligned brand.

Resources to help you take action and implement everything as you go through the course. As well as 

Whether you choose to work through everything now, or return to things later - you'll have the support you need to grow and evolve with your brand long term.

Join now

+ Unlock-as-you-go Access to 1:1 Feedback & Guidance

As you make your way through the course materials and exercises, you'll unlock access personal support so I can help you refine, get unstuck and reflect your magic back to you when you're too close to see it clearly.

If you're looking for a permission slip to ditch the rules that don't work for you and crave a supportive journey to a brand that actually feels like you - this is your invitation.

Hear from those who have travelled this road before you

Below are some messages from two amazing humans who trusted me to guide them through this journey when I pre-launched the course first back in autumn. I have created all the course materials and resources alongside working with them via regular Q&A calls and & weekly office hours. This is some of the real-time feedback and reactions they’ve shared with me along the way.

This Is for you, If...

You're ready to stop chasing the tail-end of online business trends, feeling like you’re bound to always stay behind. You’re done waiting in the side-lines and are ready to take the centre stage. You want a brand that helps you step into your new era. Now is your moment. Your sparkly summer (your version) begins here. 

You know you’ve got the ability or the resources (you know you don’t have to do it all yourself) to build a solid brand. But you struggle to make all parts of your brand as good as some. You’re ready to fill some gaps, open up to new perspectives and delve into a guided, supportive process of making your brand the best it can be.

You're ready to leave “traditional” ways of doing business where they belong (in the boom of 2020) and write yourself a permission slip to finally do your things your own way. You’re the adult in charge, after all. You’re ready for a business and brand that doesn’t just look good, but feels good to be building and leading, too.

You’re a go-deep kind of person. You’re here, because you’re willing and ready to do the work it takes to build a brand that will support you and evolve with you for the long-run. You’re a driven, self-led, independent learner and action-taker (who sometimes just needs outside perspective and support). And you’re willing to stay the course and do the work to build a truly aligned brand for your own good.

This Is Not for you, If...

You’re most comfortable lurking in the shadows, hiding your face behind stock photos and trendy Canva graphics. You’re not in the business of building a personal brand. No judgement here - like the modern feminist witch I am, I love the freedom of turning off my phone periodically, so I can lurk away from society and be all mysterious and unreachable, too. Whilst you get to determine where the boundaries between your brand and your private life lie, this isn’t a course for you, if you don’t want to put any of you, your personality, your voice, your je ne sais qua into your brand at all or show your face ever.

Your brand is perfection (chef’s kiss) or on the way of being so. You’re in your fully aligned, fully embodied era. You’re not in the market of looking for different perspectives or new ways of approaching how you show up in your brand. You could come teach this course instead of me. I love that for you. You absolutely don't need this course.

You fucking hate journalling. You’d rather die before listening to another video training. You want an AI-bot to spoon feed you all the answers to your brand strategy. You want everything simple, fast, snappy and if this course takes longer than 0.6 seconds you’ll be demanding a refund (algorithm, is that you?). But seriously, this isn't for the short-attention span folks who just want the A to Z manual to girl-boss your way to success and stat. Quality takes time, my friend.

Whether you sell unicorns, divine the stars, organise camping trips to the wonderland or are a VA to wizards and witches - the principles of infusing your own multi-faceted personality and unique magic into your brand are the same. So yes, go ahead, get that broom out of your closet - every witch and weirdo is welcome here.

Is this for service providers or can a product-based business join?

It’s open to creatives & entrepreneurs of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned explorer or taking your first steps into business, the course equips you with the tools and guidance to navigate your brand journey with confidence. This isn’t a business course - you won’t learn business fundamentals. You’ll make the most of it if you’ve got at least a rough idea for a product, service or industry you want to head into. That said, it’s never too early to learn and you’re best off building a brand, not just a business from the get go.

Is Aligned Brand suitable for business newbies, or those at a later stage?

Lifetime Access. And no, it doesn’t mean till the end of time. It means the lifetime of this course. Since I’m not going to be running it till I’m dead, do keep in mind it will be retired before I am. That said, it’s here to stick around. I also intend to keep improving it over time. So whatever extra resources I add, if you’re in - you’ll get it all. And if anything needs to retire or migrate platforms - you’ll be informed and able to access everything for keeps.

How Long With Have Access To The Course Materials?

If you have questions and want to make sure this is the right choice for you - DM me on instagram or email me to and we can check if this is a good fit for you based on where you’re at, your needs, goals and so on. I’m happy to genuinely help you make an informed decision. If it’s not the right thing or the right time - that’s also absolutely fine. The self-paced enrolment will be open year round. Support route will depend on availability. This isn't your last chance to join. Take your time, if you need to.

Will This Course Work For Me And My Unique Circumstances?

Have questions?

You can Absolutely figure it all out On your own, But it does not mean you Have to. it's Ok to empower yourself with support Along the way.

I don't have the answers about what your most deeply aligned brand looks like for you. No one can do that for you. You can hire all the experts and invest in all the courses, but only you know what you truly desire in this life. And only you know yourself as deeply and intimately as you do. So if you're in search of clarity around the meaning, purpose, direction or what showing up in true alignment in your brand looks like for you, those answers lie within you. But this doesn't mean you have to figure them out alone. Or that there are no tools and strategies that can support you to gain clarity and build your deeply aligned brand with confidence. As your guide, I am here to offer you a space where you can be supported more deeply to figure this all out in an intentional and strategic way.

So you're not wasting precious weeks, months and years of your life staying stuck, indecisive, unsure of what unique gifts you have to bring to the table. And how exactly to make that show and reflect fully in your brand. I'm here to hold a mirror for you to see your strengths and help you lean into them in ways that can be so hard to do for yourself. I'm here to be a sounding board for your ideas and help shine a light on your blindspots. So you can truly see your full potential. I'm not here to spoon-feed you any 'shoulds' and 'have-tos' when it comes to how your brand feels, looks, sounds and shows up. But I am here to give you options and tools you can choose to utilise as you best see fit. And then help you discern what may or may not work best for you and your brand. 

Your unapologetic and deeply aligned brand era begins here.