How To Choose Your Brand Photoshoot Location

Location. Location. Location. Why does it matter so much?

With the help of a good eye, light and camera know-how, we photographers can make the most ordinary place look magical and interesting. And yet there’s nothing like a stunning lanscape or a beautiful interior to really take the photoshoot to a new level. Location can truly enhance your brand easthetic and the whole feel of the images. The mood and atmosphere that the weather and the lanscape combined can help create is simply magical. That’s why I’m always scouting interesting places to shoot in and suggest that you take your time and pick a place that best suits your character and brand. The wrong location and lighting scenario affects so much and can really change the look of your photos in a way that won’t suit your brand! Which is why I want to help you choose the places that will make your photos better, elevating your vision rather than taking away from it.

Here are four questions to ask yourself to find the best location for your brand photoshoot.

1. What do you want to communicate to your audience?

Whilst it can be tempting to choose just one location that feels super on-brand for your business and helps show your audience the behind the scenes of what you do or communicates who you are really well. It’s important to make use of a variety of locations to tell a wider story of your brand, your own personal journey, your character, your values and the transformation you offer your clients or customers.

You may think that, for example, if you’re a VA, all you need is photos of you and a laptop showing your clients that you can help them get more organised and take the all-consuming admin off their plate. But by showing photos of you working from a beautiful cafe, taking a quiet moment to enjoy your morning brew or adventuring to a stunning location you’re communicating far more. You’re showing them the values you hold in your own life & business. And the freedom, the time and peace of mind you’re able to offer them, too. By taking the busy admin work off their plate. Because you’re not just helping them with admin, you’re offering them a transformed business and life.

2. Where do you feel most at home, or most free to be yourself?

If you’re already quite shy about having your photographs taken (most of us are!), a crowded city street might not be the best idea for your photoshoot. I will be able to work my magic and help you feel as at ease in front of the camera as much as possible. But being cramped amongst many people and simply the sense of all eyes being on you can add unnecessary stress.

That’s why I suggest we take it somewhere natural. Nature has a beautifully calming affect. It helps our minds and bodies relax and feel truly present. It also makes for a stunning backdrop.

However, if city is absolutely your jam and where you feel most energised, confident and alive, it may in fact be the right choice for your brand.

3. What places mean something to you personally?

We could shoot in the most incredible location in the world, and yet a place that holds special meaning to you will make the images just that much more valuable and reflective of who YOU are. Is there somewhere that you always go to for a quiet moment of reflection, or take your daily walks? Why not choose to include that in your photoshoot? It gives your audience an insight into your life and adds something to the session that is so personal and unique to you. Sharing photographs of you in your favourite places will also feel like a very natural and authentic thing to do online.

4. How can it match and elevate your brand aesthetic and feel?

Location can either take the aesthetic of the shoot in a different direction or really elevate the feeling, mood and visual narrative we are creating. What spaces feel most suited to your brand? Think about your own personality here, too. What lanscape would feel most like you? Both in terms of the overall look, atmosphere of a place, but also the character. Are you more of a mountains or seaside kind of person? What space would work best with your brand? Is it bright and open or moody and cosy? Does it have lots of plants and warm colours, or is it of a more minimalistic, modern aesthetic? Having the right space and lighting is what helps to create effortless brand consistency.

I hope these questions have sparked some ideas and offered you clarity. I know choosing all the right elements for your brand when there can be such a sense of pressure to make the most of your photos and get everything “just right” can feel overwhelming. But don’t worry, when you work with me, we will delve deep into your brand vision and how you want your brand to feel. With all the in-depth knowledge of you and your brand, I will help you find the right locations. And if you go for an adventurous photoshoot experience, don’t forget to let yourself find places in the moment, I want to us to be as prepared and intentional as possible, but it’s also about trusting me and embracing spontaneity during the shoot, too. It’s always best to embrace the adventure. If we are drawn to a certain path – we shall take it. Magic is created in the unexpected moments.

Ready for a new era in your brand and need the visuals that match this bigger, bolder or more unapologetic version of you? Find out more about how we can work together to create epic visuals for your brand here. Check out more of my past client work here. And when you’re ready – inquire here.